2:52 PM
Tentang seseorang..
watched OC for the last two days..luv it soo much cause it's really,i dun't know..best kot..anyway,it reminds me about sumthing...and luv this song too,rite now..huhuuh..layan blues!!!
Anda - Tentang Seseorang
Teruntukmu hatiku,
ingin ku bersuara
Merangkai semua tanya,
imaji yang terlintas
Berjalan pada satu
Tanya slalu menggangguku
Seseorang itukah
dirimu kasih
Kepada yang tercinta
inginku mengeluh
Semua resah di diri
mencari jawab pasti
Akankah seseorang yang
diinginkan kan hadir
Raut halus menyelimuti
Reff :
Cinta hanyalah cinta,
hidup dan mati untukmu
Mungkinkah semua
Tanya kau yang jawab
Dan tentang seseorang
itu pula dirimu
Ku bersumpah
akan mencinta
>>>>nuttin important but this word seems like stuck in my head for this couple of hours... M.A.A.F...i dun't know why but i just came across it whilst i'm standing in front of the mirror...i dunno but i just wonder why ppl are so afraid to say this word..i always assumed that there are shy to say it or maybe too embarrase to admit that they're sorry...and my mind keep wondering why is it hard for ppl to accept apologies when sumbody already admit that they're sorry...maybe because revenge is soo sweet and that M.A.A.F is not in their kamus hidup???hmm..keep wondering...dun't worry cause this is just what i wonder about..it's got nuttin to do with anybody...like i said;just wondering!!
>>>>btw,to all my friends;Happy holiday!!hope it's going to be fun...and to Fazz and Mynn;happy holiday too and enjoy New Zealand...take care!!to those ppl who are going back to/already in Malaysia;have fun too...and bawaklaa balik buah tangan skit!!!
2:25 AM
i am really bored!!!
went to Kimah + Huda's place for the farewell party..it's really nice cause we've got Nandos for the dinner and some fun games...then,went back to my room waiting for the gurlss to come and start watching OC!!!but in the meanwhile..i'm stuck here alone in front of my pc and started doing this quizzes!!!huhuuhuuhh....u can see how bored i am now!!!
Which Celeb Mum Are You??
Angelina Jolie
(hehehehe..luv here soo much...)Whether you adopt your child, like Angie did with her baby boy, Maddox, or give birth to him or her, you have the same protective instincts as she does and you'll try hard to keep your baby out of harm's reach. You're a bit of a wild chick, so people will probably be surprised when you announce you're going to be a mum. You've never been over-worried about other people's opinions though and you'll go on to prove any doubters totally wrong by being a loving, caring, devoted mother.
Looks or Personality?
Personality Rules
There’s no doubt that personality is No1 in your book. In fact, you deliberately avoid good looking lads even if they fancy you like mad.
You look for intelligence and depth - which is fantastic and we admire your principals. But have you ever considered that guys you actually fancy have personalities too? Just because he’s hot, doesn’t automatically mean he’s going to cheat/lie/dump.
Stick to your guns as far as rating personality goes, but gorgeous lads aren’t all love rats, so maybe you should give them the chance to show their personalities too?
5:39 AM
apa nak buat??
i knew this symptom seem to affect a lotsa ppl esp those who still studying like me...arghh...feel very tension rite now cause eventhough my exam was finished, it's hard for me to fall asleep...not that i dun't want to sleep but it's seem so hard for me to close my eyes...i guess the huge consumption of the caffein for last three weeks have given a bad effect to my whole neuron system..and the dopest thing is that i dun't know how to filled my spare time and keep wondering around doing nuttin...macam mana nih???ishh...susah btol..to those yang berjaya mengatasi simptom ini,this song is for u!!
Selamat Tidur(S07)
Waktunya padamkan bara
Setelah lelah bekerja
Waktunya pejamkan mata
Dan tiada lagi berkata
Selamat tidur...
Selamat tidur....
5:11 PM
What the??!!!!
i just wanna say that i am very glad that i've finished my exam!!!i dun't care about the result(but still i'm slightly anxious about it!!)and i dun't care wut other people want to say about the exam...i've prepared for all the consequences...tawakal byk2 pada Allah...if this really meant for me,than it'll stay that way...like wut one of my friend says, Allah always plan sumthing beautiful for you...it's you who always make it bad...
Fall back
Take a look at me
And you'll see I'm for real
I feel what only I can feel
And if that don't appeal to you
Let me know
And I'll go
'Cuz I flow
Better when my colors show
And that's the way it has to be
'Cuz creativity could never bloom
In my room
I'd throw it all away before I lie
So don't call me with a compromise
Hang up the phone
I've got a backbone stronger than yours
If you're trying to turn me into someone else
Its easy to see I'm not down with that
I'm not nobody's fool
If you're trying to turn me into something else
I've seen enough and I'm over that
I'm not nobody's fool
If you wanna bring me down
Go ahead and try
Go ahead and try
You don't know
You think you know me like yourself
But I fear
That you're only telling me what I wanna hear
But do you give a damn
That I can't not be what I am
I'm not the milk and cheerios in your spoon
Its not a simple hearing but not so soon
I might've fallen for that when I was fourteen
And a little more green
But its amazing what a couple of years can mean
Go ahead and try
Try and look me in the eye
But you'll never see inside
Until you realize, realize
Things are trying to settle down
Just try to figure out
Exactly what I'm about
If its with or without you
I don't need you doubting me
Would you be laughing out loud
If I played to my own crowd
6:37 PM
heheehhe...can't hardly wait to finish this last paper....tomorrow is my last exam....wohooo..
Kita berlari dan teruskan bernyanyi
Kita bukalah tak perlukan mentari
Bila kuterjatuh nanti
Kau siap mengangkat aku lebih tinggi
uh uh uh..
Sperti pedih yang telah kita bagi
Layaknya luka yang telah terobati
Bila kita jatuh nanti
Kita siap tuk melompat lebih tinggi
Bersama kita bagai hutan dan hujan
Aku pun ada karna kau telah tercipta
haa aa...
Kupetik bintang
Untuk kau simpan
Cahayanya tenang
Berikan kau perlindungan
Sebagai pengingat teman
Juga sbagai jawaban
Semua tantangan
Kupetik bintang
Untuk kau simpan
Cahayanya tenang
Berikan kau perlindungan
Sebagai pengingat teman
Juga sbagai jawaban
Semua tantangan
[ Interlude ]
Sebelum waktu memisahkan dan kita tertipu
Sebelum dewasa menua memisahkan kita
Tentukan jantung kita akan slalu seirama
Bila kau rindu aku..
Kupetik bintang
Untuk kau simpan
Cahayanya tenang
Berikan kau perlindungan
Sebagai pengingat teman
Juga sbagai jawaban
Semua tantangan
Kupetik bintang
Untuk kau simpan
Cahayanya tenang
Berikan kau perlindungan
Sebagai pengingat teman
Juga sbagai jawaban
Semua tantangan
buat teman2 yg sedang tension2 blajar,dun't worry...jgn fikir ttg fail...i know how it feel...blaja selagi mampu...dun't always remember/think about the negative side....tawakal slalu...motivate urself...dun't wait for other ppl to motivate u....tp kalo ader org lain yg motivate...lagi bagus...so,my frenzz; this is song for u all....semoga kita mampu untuk melompat lebih tinggi...aku raja,kau pon raja,aku hitam,kau pon hitam...erti teman lebih dari sekadar materi...
11:17 PM
i'm tired...my brain is on mute rite now!!
spending the rest of the time doing nutting again..went for breakfast and having my fave. breakky;sphagetti and fish fingers!!!!nice one...i did do some work on the tute paper but it's seem like i'll never finish or understand it!!!benci btol...plus,the cold weather make it much worse cos my brain seem freezed in the coldness.helped Fazz with her room decor this evening...her room looked nice and very spacious now...huhuuh..dah tak macam pejabat cukai Kerteh dah!!!still berkire nak blajo ker nak tido dulu..but i've already sleep for too long,so i guess, like it or not..i have to start revising COMP2500 which is like a very major factor that drive brain damage to me....hehehe not that bad but the lecturer have already warned all his students that there's no mercy given in marking the paper...u'll pass if u've done good...love to be under this skin but it's sux to be me.....
2:45 AM
Never before
Have I seen you look so blue
Can't find a cure
And nothing comforts you
The light at the end of the tunnel
Doesn't shine at the end of the day
Everytime you cry
Save up all your tears
I will be your rainbow
When they disappear
Wash away the pain
'Til you smile again
I will be the laughter in your eyes
Everytime you cry
Everytime you cry
Time has a way
Of wounding what has healed
What can I say
I know just how you feel
Your soul is dark and troubled
Like a river running wild
(Repeat Chorus)
Well you know
That's what I'm here, for
And I will give you
When you need, more
There'll be no hesitation
I will reap no reward
(Repeat Chorus till fade)
4:15 PM
dua dah jalan..tinggal lagi dua..
yahoo...got another two papers on the way...byk lagi tuh...been cramming for tomorrow,ECON1010...mcq,i dun't how i am gonna tackle the question....i'm not really good with mcqs and not that good in writing short answers or essay,macam maner tuh???anyway,still feeling nervous + constipated + blurr + penat...ntah cam nerlaa result tuh nnt..takutnyer!!!to makcik yg dua org tuh...what is love?? for me love is oxygen ..u cannot see or touch it but you know that it's all around you...too much of it can make you suffocated but too lil' of it....aku pon tak tau..cam samer jerk...lemas gaks...tp cinta kpd pencipta tuh lebey penting kan???wakakaka....dah mengarut...sajer jerk nak menyambung topik si Leen ari tuh..
7:31 PM
latest update...nuttin actually,'xcept that my d/load quota is exhausted now but lucky me cos i've Salwa yg byk d/load quota...always bugging her for that...(Sori ya!!!-ala Zahnita:Kuliah Cinta).Kinda in the mood of exam rite now...try as hard as i can to crammed three subjects at once cos i've got three exam berturut for 3 days...wut else??!!been to the library and lab and library again for past 9 days....belajo yop belajo...anyway,wish luck and all da best to everybody esp UQ students...hopefully we all will get result yg gempak lagi mantap...
jgn cram2 slalu...stop jap..check the new AL song...kinda like this song rite now...
*My happy ending-Avril Lavigne*
oh oh, oh oh, So much for my happy ending,
oh oh, oh oh, So much for my happy ending,
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?
Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh
You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
(they say)
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
(so are they)
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do
(all the shit that you do)
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done
He was everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, so much for my happy ending
4:03 PM
attention to all my fellow frenzzz!!
got this from akhi Syahrom...(if you already got it, just igmored this)
Assalaamu'alaikum wr wb
FYI, the food outlet 'Makan House' at West End is not halal. I personally went there last nite (Fri) and managed to squeeze out true facts abt the food served from the manager herself Ms Angela Fong. Funnily, when i went there few weeks back, dressed significantly as a Muslim man, she did say back then that only their chicken is halal. but last nite, all the truth came out, must be because I looked like a Chinese customer and I spoke to her in both Mandarin and English. she did acknowledge that she has had a number of Muslim customers. then she actually confirmed that the chicken and beef is not halal. she furthermore admitted "halal meat is expensive, and I dont want to change my menu just to suit the needs of the Muslim customers". She ended off by saying "business is business, you should understand, also rent is expensive here". I've heard of ppl saying they are trying to get a Halal cert, but apparently, nothing was mentioned to me at all. anyway, its her words (a kafir trying to do business at the expense of the Muslim ummah) against mine (just an ordinary Muslim brother trying to set things straight, with Allah as my witness). you be your own judge.
my dear muslim brothers/sisters, here is one perfect example of a kafir trying to manipulate and infiltrate our minds. its all up to us to stand in unity and guard our iman and aqeedah. "O Mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and good on earth, and follow not the footsteps of Syaitan. Verily, he is to you an open enemy." Al-Baqarah: 168.
no doubt abt it, there are also other food businesses here in Brisbane area that may adopt such scams just for the sake of making money. if anyone has info of such nature, please share with the rest of the local Muslim community. we are what we eat. Insya-Allah, may Allah reward us for the little but significant effort of ours.
p.s. in case anyone prefers to dine outside and you happen to be in West End, well, Nandos is just next door to Makan House, then there's Turkish Kebab just 2 shops away, and there's also other Halal food outlets around that area, like Indian Kitchen and Bombay Dhabas.
Wallahu a'lam.
maybe after this,we can be more careful in choosing place to eat eventhough there's halal sticker or certificate attach on the wall of the shop...
9:34 PM
kegilaan melanda...
makin nak periksa, makin galak laaa tangan nih dok menulih blog....nuttin for today 'xcept that i've been feeling quite frustrated with some stuff,for no reason...biaserlaa,maybe pressure kot???went to cogs tute this morning...got my assignment 3 back...i think i have to emel Kai again and tell him that i still need his help for some topic cos artificial minds is not sumthing easy for me...anyway to all my frenzz dun't worry 'bout me...cause nutting is bothering me rite now 'xcept that the exam is now just around the corner and i haven't finished revised the whole thing yet!!!paniknyer!!!!
so utk menghilangkan rassa takut dan panik;mehlaa kiter sama2 bacer cerita2 lawak yg sempat aku carik nih..
Seorang suami merungut kepada isterinya kerana menaiki teksi hari-hari ketempat kerja.
Suami: Awak nih hari-hari naik teksi ke pejabat. Awak tahu tak ia melibatkan belanja yang tinggi.
Isteri: Habis tu kalau saya tak naik teksi, saya nak naik apa lagi. Saya nak tumpang kawan ke pejabat awak tak kasi, nak naik LRT tak ada kat sini, nak naik komuter stesen jauh. Habis awak nak saya naik apa jalan kaki.
Suami: Kawan awak tu lelaki sebab itu saya tak kasi nanti awak ada affair pulak dengan dia.
Isteri: Allo awak dah lupa ke yang awak tu drebar teksi. Bukan ke awak yang hantar saya hari-hari ker?
Suami: Eh! ye ke. Hehehehe....lupa plak..
Artis MAlaysia
Kumpulan Rock yang telah mengerjakan Haji.
Abang Haji.........KUMPULAN BAJI
2) Penyanyi yang sering fail dalam karangan..sebab guna noktah kat depan
3) Penyanyi yang paling demand...
4) Kumpulan yang berasal dari Bukit Gasing
5) Penyanyi yang paling berat dalam sejarah
ABOT (dalam bahasa jawa bermaksud berat)
6) Kumpulan Orang Asli Paling Berjaya
O.A.G (Orang Asli Gombak)
7) Kumpulan yang paling murah menerima bayaran..
SCOIN (pakai syiling jer)
8) Kumpulan Nasyid yang terdiri dari orang jawa
9) Kumpulan Rock yang Paling wangi
MAY (Bau Sabun)
10) Kumpulan Rock Paling Bahaya
11) Kumpulan Rock Yg Terdiri dari Bomoh Professional
12) Kumpulan Rock yang takut mandi pagi
13) Kumpulan Rock yang selalu kena migrain
14) Kumpulan yang mudah berpecah
15) Kumpulan Rock yang makan nasi pakai tangan kiri
16) Kumpulan yang ada power
KEMBARA (sebab ader DVVT)
17) Kumpulan yang terdiri dari pesawah
18) Kumpulan yang paling popular di pagi raya
19) Penyanyi kesukaan David Beckam
20) Penyanyi yang sentiasa tua
21) Kumpulan yang kejap cantek kejap hodoh...
22) Kumpulan yang takleh nyanyi kat Europe
23) Kumpulan yang boleh lihat tapi tak leh pegang
24) Penyanyi yang tak pernah kena speed trapppp..
25) Kumpulan yang sentiasa menyambut 'HARI GURU'
26) Kumpulan yang susah nak sakit
27) Kumpulan yang berkerjaya tapi pendek umur..
28) Kumpulan yang buat show kat everest
29) Kumpulan yang kena samak apabila di sentuh
30) Penyanyi yang paling bengap walaupun dah kaya
31) Kumpulan yang paling di hormati
32) Kumpulan yang memperkenalkan Roti Boy di Midvalley
33) Kumpulan yang menggunakan paling popular di jalanraya
34) Kumpulan yang tak akan buat show pada bulan lain kecuali bulan 9..
35) Kumpulan Paling berani..
36) Kumpulan yang selalu gi konvoi..
10:40 PM
i'm sick
(pinjam idea dari Ili:komputerku lagging)
i'm sick..
i'm sick of ppl who think
me doing sumthing because of him...
i'm sick..
because i know, i do it,
because i want to do it...not because of him...
i'm sick...because by telling that,u remind me
of him....and i don't blame u for that cos it's
my fault...i shouldn't put this feeling inside me...
but somebody told me,u've should be grateful that
Allah put this feeling in u...yes,i am very grateful
but like what Rabiatul Adawiyah says: ...Aku adalah milik Tuhanku
dan di bawah perintahNya...Aku tidak memiliki apa2...
8:47 PM
Sahabat sejati....
got nuttin to be war2kan today..nuttin spesel except that my mind now are suffocated with information system and cognitive science....been reading through the lecture notes but i think only 1/3 of the content is in my head rite now...susahnyerr nak jadi orang yang berguna untuk agama,bangsa dan Petronas....opss...negara!!dedicate this song to all my frenzz dan sesaper saja yg bakal amik peperiksaan...tak kisah laaa periksa aper...dgn ucapan,semuga berjaya....to Noia....miss ya..miss ya!!!
Sheila on 7 - Sahabat Sejati
Sahabat sejatiku
Hilangkah dari ingatanmu
Di hari kita saling berbagi
Dengan kotak sejuta mimpi
Aku datang menghampirimu
Kuperlihat semua hartaku
Kita s'lalu berpendapat
Kita ini yang terhebat
Kesombongan di masa muda yang indah
Aku raja kaupun raja
Aku hitam kaupun hitam
Arti teman lebih dari sekedar materi
Pegang pundakku, jangan pernah lepaskan
Bila ku mulai lelah?
Lelah dan tak bersinar
Remas sayapku, jangan pernah lepaskan
Bila ku ingin terbang?
Terbang meninggalkanmu
Ku s'lalu membanggakanmu
Kaupun s'lalu menyanjungku
Aku dan kamu darah abadi
Demi bermain bersama
Kita duakan segalanya
Merdeka kita, kita merdeka
Tak pernah kita pikirkan
Ujung perjalanan ini
Tak usah kita pikirkan
Akhir perjalanan ini
10:54 AM
filem melayu??
filem melayu???this topic came across my mind last nite...semenjak dua menjak nih everybody from Malaysia been talking about the new movie titled
Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam directed by Shuhaimi Baba.They said it's scary and good.I'm not really sure how far the truth is, cause nobody(Malaysians)here in Aussie ever watch it as the movie just happened to be release in Malaysia's cinema recently...btw, as a Malaysian dan melayu,i've to admit that i'm not sure (if i am in Malaysia rite now),whether i want to spend my money and go watch this movie...instead i think i'll be willing to pay for Harry Porter:Prisoner of Azkaban ticket cause it's for sure will be one of this year box-ofice movieand i have no doubt with the quality of the movie..sorry to say but i dun't want to waste my money and time watching filem2 seram Malaysia yg terkeluar tajuk...sakit ati tau!anyway,whilst i'm busying myself revised for microeconomics,i've been reading about a topic on comparative advantage which state that :"Seemingly noneconomics factors can also give rise to comparative advantage.For instance the emergence of English as the de facto world languages gives English-speaking countries advantage over non-English-speaking nations in the production of books,movies and popular music.-Frank and Bernanke(Principle of Microeconomics) ".reading this lines,i realised that,yes it's true,America seem to have all the monopoly on international films industry and also music.and as a part of millenium generation; i've already ter"exposed" to filem2 dan music dari barat dari kecil hingalah sekarang that's why i have a very deep tendency to compared malaysian moviesto filem2 barat.and i believed it's implies to most of other teenager in my generation.i felt sorry that Bahasa Melayu is no longer a lingua franca to the world but i dun't think it's a reason why i have to blame our local movie industry for their lack of performance...eventhough our film industry is not widely emerged internationally, but at least there's some Malaysian out there(karyawan2 and penggiat seni)that work hard to make sure that our film and our identity terpelihara..and hopefully with this movie,this small step,Malaysian(esp myself)can change their perception towards Malaysian film eventhough sometimes i know it's frustrating...Malaysia Boleh!!!
1:53 PM
went to majlis solat hajat organised by UMNO QLD last nite...lotsa ppl came for the event...after solat and yassin; we've been served with deliciously tasty nasi ayam cooked by Syikin,Bayah,Salwa,Ili and Denise...(actually i'm not very sure who's cooking it but i know this gurll are responsible for preparing the food..)got a chance to catch up with some ppl that i rarely see..good thing,hah?!!after that want back home and went to room 182 for our next activity...talking about this next activity which is actually an usrah(which some ppl misinterpreted it for sumthing that extreme,alim and stuff...but actually usrah means family..),i kinda like the second topic about sahabat,not kawan and etc...from the three guidelines given in search for a sahabat,i think it was very hard to find this kinda person that called sahabat...but regardless of this criterias, i think i was so lucky that i know that i have close friends that i can rely on,put trust in and shared my ups and downs...not just friends for hang out and stuff...and still;i dun't think i'm still good enough to be called a sahabat but i've tried and will always try to be the best i could be for my friends...and to this "person" who is always wondering about my view about friends; i think i dun't have best friends but i've got a few friends that have the privileged from me...
All I know
Is everything is not as it's sold
but the more I grow the less I know
And I have lived so many lives
Though I'm not old
And the more I see, the less I grow
The fewer the seeds the more I sow
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
I wish I hadn't seen all of the realness
And all the real people are really not real at all
The more I learn the more I cry
As I say goodbye to the way of life
I thought I had designed for me
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try
All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be
And that's wonderful, and that's life
And that's you
This is me
3:10 AM
in memoir..
been in front of the computer for 4 hours;tried to do the last JAVA assignment
when suddenly i'm feeling sick of it!!called home and talked to mum...felt soo relief
and soo envy when i heard Ain's voice playing with Korie...arghh..just wanna go home!!
but listening to mum's voice,it's very soothing...later,went to Salwa's room for a break;watched Dark Angel.back to my room again when i started to recalled about my skool life again....korek sumer gambar2 yg ader and then got it scanned into my pc...miss every moment esp that related to the
pixs...i wish i can go back to that time again where everybody feeling free and doesn't have to worry about assignments, lectures,semester exam or about what to wear tomorrow...
9:36 AM
just do some quIzzes that never be essential in my life...=)

My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
11:39 PM
creative art..
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jgs (___/ \___)
9:32 PM
2 assignments to go..
i hate myself cos i haven't start to do two remaining assignments for this sem...luv the fact that it's close to the final exam but i hate to start an effort to do revision and finishing my assignments.it's getting harder...try not to think about the holidays and other stuff yet....ku pikir2,ku pikir2,lelah...dunia belum berakhir...hehehehehe...i wish if only i can stop the time and stay in my current state;doing everything that i want to do....anyway,to myself;happy studying + finishing the assignments(this dedication also goes for ppl that also in the same situation as me =)!)and to my dearie frenzz good luck...exam is just around the corner....