
perfection of unperfect

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1:42 PM

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Allah, Yang Maha Agung dan Mulia menjumpaiku - yakni dalam tidurku - kemudian berfirman kepadaku, "Wahai Muhammad, katakanlah : "Ya Allah, aku memohon kepada-Mu untuk mencintai-Mu, mencintai siapa saja yang mencintai-Mu, serta mencintai perbuatan yang mengantarkan aku untuk mencintai-Mu."

manusia lahir dengan fitrah perasaan.setiap manusia memiliki hak untuk merasai kegembiraan, keduakaan, kejayaan, kegagalan dan pelbagai lagi.tetapi yang paling dekat dengan hati manusia dan sering dialami adalah perasaan cinta dan benci.manusia sukar untuk menolak dari merasa cinta atau membenci seseorang. i believe, in every second as we walk and meet people, we can fall in love with a person or hate somebody that we've met. namun Allah tak memberikan perasaan ini untuk kita berikan kepada sesiapa saja dengan sewenang-wenangnya. kerana cinta dan benci kita hendaklah berlandaskan niat kita terhadap seseorang itu. cinta kepada Sang Pencipta adalah cinta yang hakiki, namun manusia tidak boleh menolak untuk mencintai sesama manusia juga alam kerana ia sememangnya fitrah manusia yang telah Allah ciptakan. bottom of all, love for me is when you're not afraid to show your own true colour to the person you love. and accepting them as for what they are. it's just simple as that but hard to find...X0X0X~

p/s: Use your time wisely and love actually is everywhere. Don't wait only for certain date to show your love cos kindness and caring does not wait....

6:17 PM

sayang kawanku~
i guess life once more, bring us all apart from being together...as we grew older, we learn to get to know each other and learn how to respect each other everyday.....it's the nicest thing that i learn from life; how to be a friend and learn how to give without having a hard feeling about it.and it's all happened because of friends that teach me how to do it....dear Salwa, you're one of this friend that show me how to give and be happy about it...Congratulation on ur new job and be patient and happy!!!! U can do it...

p/s: kepada yang lain, yang dapat keje jugak, do inform me...yah~

1:43 AM

i'm writing without really know wut i want to adressed about..but still, writing is wut i like to do...been in melaka for about 8 days now..i miss my family a lot...!quite homesick, i must admit that...pelik giler....eventho it's now very close but i still miss homme...i guess melaka is quite a peaceful place and i quite enjoy it~ i miss brissy too and all the fire works...around this place, there' s a lot of people playing with fire crackers and i can'watched it from Ilah's bedroom....i miss all the views.....i'm going to my first management lecture tomorrow.*i'm not sure whather i shud take this subject or not but i still not through with my credit transfers, so redah jelaaa*...i hope they won't cancel the class as i've paid a lot of money already and i'm mad cos i haven't really going to all my classes yet~ ^*()*^

2:38 AM

sometimes i dun't understand...is it worthwhile for somebody to spend sooo much time.energy and money on somebody or something with a hope that someday they will gain some goodness or profit from it.how are they so sure that spending on this particular person or thing really gonna make them gain more from what they've give....in another way, for a person who receive all of the benefits, it is still hard to ask even when you need to....

manusia itu gelojoh,
tak pernah ia membutuhkan
hanya kerana ia memerlukan..
manusia itu tak pernah puas,
apalagi kalau nafsu yang merajainya,
seringkali ia alpa tentang
Sang Pencipta dan undang - undangNya,
manusia itu lupa,
kalau kebahagiaan itu
bisa hadir, jika dia
redha dan mensyukuri
nikmat TuhanNya
manusia itu menyedihkan,
kala ia pergi dari dunia ini
tanpa sempat mengucap
cinta buat Pemberi Hidupnya....
aku hanya manusia,
lelah bersandarkan
hidup di dunia
membajai batas-batas
ganjaran disana...

nukilan : miniature garden

2:08 PM

nuttimg much to write about....just finished my 3 days of tiring, aching back orientation...stating my new trimester in MMU now....still adjusting maself here as everything seems so blurry and complex for me...anyway, hope that i can make it thru for as long as it will take....^*()*^