
perfection of unperfect

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5:33 PM

heheheeheh....it's seem that the uni's open day heat is now around da corner...ma home not as quite as before anymore...naji dah balik so, basically now i'm living with my osmet...just another osmet is on her way here....did showed ma new juniors around...we went to uni,indooropilly and city....seem that they'd really can adapt with life here....taknak tulis panjang2...just looking forward for everybody to come back and get their stuff back ;P....takdelaaa.....jus kidding...

3:40 PM

never ending story
another 12 days and uni will start...guess some ppl already cannot wait to come back here and start that crazy, hectic days...anyway, spending my time here in da lib as always(see, i'm veryyyy hardworking, isn't it??)..got nutting to write about cos my mind can't think of anything to talk and condemn about...i miss home but it's alrite ,another 9 months to go...hoping for the best i guess for all of us yang akan grad Semester 2,2005. a lil' bit mad at myself lately....i dunno wut i'm thinking and i seem to be a lil bit off track rite now...i wish i can yell as loud as i want to but tp i can't...takperlaa..mite be that's ujian for me...

Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more
Than anytime before
I had no options left again

4:49 PM

got nuttin interesting to blogga about..just usual thingy everyday,every moment....got exam tomorrow...hopefully i can do it and hopefully is not going to be hard..i hate it when they make it hard...of course!!!