
perfection of unperfect

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9:23 PM

:out of the blue:
just try to put that positive thought again into my mind~....i guess it is true, u're going to be and act negatively if u take sumthing in a negative perspective....talking nagatively about oneself is not going to help he/she lift their spirit....to many good things happened to me recently that sometimes i know that it's my own fault to feel such an empty glass~ for every promises that he gave, none isn't fullfilled....and i couldn't asked more for i the one who is guilty~
A new beginning a new chapter of my life
Started the day when I thought it could be my last
My eyes where wide shut but I hadn't given up
Just thought I'd be walking the world alone
Out of the blue there I met you
Showed me a life I can't see without you and there's just no way
That I can fight these emotions your energy running through me
Nobody can renew me like you
Out of the blue
Can this be true?
Family and friends they were my life I wasn't one for butterflies
But you give me love that I can't disguise
There will be times when we're apart
I want you to know you're in my heart
Growing into a beautiful garden
No emotions my whole body felt like ice
Needed to feel that the sun would shine my way
My world had turned to dust but I had my faith and trust
Just thought I'd be walking the world alone
Family and friends they were my life I wasn't one for butterflies
But you give me love that I can't disguise
There will be times when we're apart
I want you to know you're in my heart
Growing into a beautiful garden
Out of the blue
There I met you I can't believe that this happened so soon
And there's just no way that I can fight these emotions
Your energy running through me..

4:00 PM

:melompat lebih tinggi:

been having fun playing rollerblade....just to kill our spare time i guess....plus it's a good way to exercise and cheat ur mind that u're actually exercise...even Fazz got into it~ haahahahah.....since Fazz and Dila seem to master the art of inline skating, now it's just Danezs and Naji keep practising to be a pro...heheeheh..you go gurls~musti boley......

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8:47 AM

Apa ni?
1. Apakah Interfaith Commision (IFC)?
IFC yang nama asalnya ialah IRC - Inter Religous Council (IRC) adalah sebuah suruhanjaya yang dicadangkan penubuhannya seperti sebuah badan berkanun yang mempunyai kuasa undang-undang yang boleh mengubah ajaran sesetengah agama (baca: agama Islam) akibat desakan penganut agama lain. Badan ini berfungsi mirip sebuah mahkamah dan segala keputusannya adalah muktamad ke atas agama yang bersabit. IFC juga akan berfungsi seperti SUHAKAM yang menerima dan melayan
aduan-aduan berkaitan dengan agama.

2. Siapakah yang mencadangkan penubuhan IFC?
IFC digagaskan penubuhannya oleh Malaysian Consultative Council Of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism dan Sikhism (MCCBCHS) atau pun Majlis Perundingan Malaysia Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu dan Sikh melalui memorandumnya kepada Majlis Peguam bertarikh 21 Ogos, 2001. Presiden MCCBCHS ialah V. Harcharan Singh.

3. Siapakah yang menyokong penubuhan IFC?
Majlis Peguam terutamanya JawatankuasaKecil Hak Asasi Manusia amat kuat menyokong penubuhan IFC dan amat berharap ia akan berjaya.

Kronologinya seperti berikut:

* Pada 8 Ogos, 2001, Majlis Peguam telah menerima satu memorandum daripada MCCBCHS mengenai perkara ini dan selepas itu ide penubuhan IRC berjalan dengan lancar.
* Pada 10 Disember, 2001, Majlis Peguam menganjurkan forum mengenai 'Kebebasan Beragama' dan menerbitkan jurnal khas bernama INSAF.
* Pada 8 Disember, 2001 satu perayaan 'Festival of Rights' diadakan dengan tema 'Kebebasan Beragama'.
* Pada 17 Mac, 2003 bengkel untuk menimbang keperluan wujudnya IRC diadakan. Bengkel ini gagal apabila kesemua NGO Islam menarik diri daripada terlibat dengan penubuhan
suruhanjaya ini iaitu ABIM, ACCIN4 ,JUST dan Sisters In Islam termasuk Dr Chandra
Muzaffar yang menjadi antara orang awal yang mencadangkan dialog antara kepercayaan.
Bagaimanapun Sisters In Islam kemudian menyertai semuladan menyokong penubuhan suruhanjaya ini.
* Pada pertengahan tahun 2004, satu persidanganmengenai penubuhan IRC diadakan. Bagi menunjukkan wujudnyasokongan, penganjur seminar telah melantik kesemua ahli Jawatankuasa Kecil Syariah Majlis Peguam sebagai ahli jawatankuasa penganjur tanpa pengetahuan mereka.
* Mengemukakan draf ketiga undang-undang penubuhan IFC bertarikh Januari 2005 kepada persidangan cadangan penubuhan IFC.

4. Apakah matlamat penubuhan IFC?
Matlamat IFC ialah untuk meminda beberapa ajaran asas Islam yang bakal memberikan kesan yang banyak terhadap orang Islam dan berpihak kepada kepentingan orang-orang bukan Islam.

5. Apakah tuntutan orang-orang bukan Islamyangdibuat melalui IFC?

*Seseorang anak yang dilahirkan olehibubapa Islam tidak seharusnya secara terus menjadi orang Islam.
*Orang-orang bukan Islam yang telah memeluk agama Islam hendaklah diberikan kebebasan untuk kembali kepada agama asal mereka (murtad) dan tidak boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
*Sebarang kes pertukaran agama orang Islam kepada bukan Islam tidak sepatutnya dikendalikan oleh mahkamah syariah tetapi dikendalikan oleh mahkamah sivil.
*Tidak perlu dicatatkan di dalam kad pengenalan seseorang Muslim bahawa ia beragama Islam.
*Orang bukan Islam tidak perlu dikehendaki menganut Islam sekiranya
ingin berkahwin dengan orang Islam. Orang Islam hendaklah dibenarkan keluar daripada Islam (murtad) sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan orang bukan Islam tanpa boleh dikenakan apa-apa tindakan undang-undang.
*Seseorang atau pasangan suami isteri yang menukar agamanya dengan memeluk Islam tidak patut diberikan hak jagaan anak.
*Orang-orang yang bukan Islam yang mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dengan seorang yang memeluk Islam hendaklah diberikan hak menuntut harta pesakanya selepas kematiannya.
*Kerajaan hendaklah menyediakan dana yang mencukupi untuk membina dan menyelenggara rumah-rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam sebagaimana kerajaan menyediakan dana yang serupa untuk masjid. Kerajaan juga perlu membenarkan pembinaan rumah-rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam tanpa perlu adanya peraturan-peraturan tertentu.
*Orang-orang bukan Islam hendaklah dibenarkan dan tidak boleh dihalang daripada menggunakan perkataan-perkataan suci Islam dalam percakapan dan sebagainya.
*Bibel dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Indonesia sepatutnya dibenarkan untuk diedarkan kepada umum secara terbuka.
*Pelajaran agama bukan Islam untuk penganut agama itu hendaklah diajar di semua sekolah.
*Program-program berunsur Islam dalam bahasa ibunda sesuatu kaum hendaklah ditiadakan. Program dakwah agama lain selain Islam pula hendaklah dibenarkan untuk disiarkan dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing.
*Orang-orang Islam yang membayar zakat tidak sepatutnya dikecualikan daripada membayar cukai pendapatan dan wang hasil zakat sepatutnya digunakan juga untukkeperluan orang-orang bukan Islam.
*Sepatutnya Islam tidak disebut sebagai pilihan pertama masyarakat Malaysia seperti dalam soal pakaian menutup aurat kepada pelajar sekolah.

6. Apakah bahayanya penubuhan IFC terhadap Islam?
Berdasarkan draf undang-undang penubuhan IFC, suruhanjaya ini jika ditubuhkan amat berbahaya kepada Islam dari sudut:

1. Membuka ruang seluas-luasnya untuk orang bukan Islam mencampuri hal ehwal agama Islam.

IFC jelas sebuah suruhanjaya anti Islam. Ini adalah campurtangan orang bukan Islam dalam hal ehwal agama Islam.Hak perlembagaan bagi mengamalkan agama sendiri (Artikel 11(1)Perlembagaan Persekutuan -Freedom of religion (Kebebasan beragama)tidak
berlanjutan kepada mempersoalkan agama lain dan tidak sampaimenuntut ajaran agama lain dipinda semata-mata untuk disesuaikan dengan kepentingan sendiri.Orang-orang bukan Islam berhak untuk menuntut hak mereka mengamalkan agama sendiri tetapi tidak sampai mempersoalkan dan campurtangan urusan agama Islam. Campurtangan ini amat
bahaya. Perkara yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam hendaklah diselesaikan oleh
mereka yang berkelayakan di dalam Islam sendiri.

2. Menjadikan undang-undang Allah mesti tunduk kepada norma-norma antarabangsa yang dicipta oleh manusia yang menjejaskan aqidah.

Norma-norma antarabangsa tersebut ialah:

* Deklarasi Hak Asasi Sejagat 1948
* Konvensyen untuk menghapuskan semua jenis diskriminasi terhadap
wanita (disahkan oleh Malaysia pada 5 Julai
* Konvensyen mengenai hak kanak-kanak.
* Deklarasi untuk menghapuskan semua
bentuk ketidaktoleransi dan diskriminasi berasaskan agama.
* Deklarasi mengenai hak-hak orang untuk
mempunyai kewargaan, sukukaum,
agama dan bahasa minoriti.
* Deklarasi Vienna dan plan tindakan.

Kesemua norma antarabangsa tersebut belum disahkan oleh Malaysia kecuali yang dinyatakan sebaliknya. IFC menuntut supaya agama mestilah mengikut ketentuan norma antarabangsa di atas.Norma antarabangsa tersebut tidak membezakan antara orang
Islam dan bukan Islam. Bagi orang Islam, peraturan untuk kehidupan mereka bukan
lagi Islam tetapi norma-norma antarabangsa tersebut yang dicipta oleh manusia. Apa sahaja ajaran Islam yang bertentangan dengan norma antarabangsa hendaklah dihapuskan. Ini bermaksud, Allah mesti tunduk kepada norma antarabangsa.Ini boleh menjejaskan aqidah seorang Muslim.

3. Orang Islam bebas melakukan apa sahaja

Manusia adalah bebas. Begitu juga orang Islam adalah bebas. Mereka bebas melakukan apa sahaja termasuk mengamalkan ajaran agama lain
tetapi masih boleh mengaku sebagai seorang Muslim atas nama kebebasan beragama.
Kebebasan agama ini dijamin oleh norma antarabangsa di atas.

4. Orang Islam bebas untuk murtad

Deklarasi sejagat mengenai hak asasi manusia menyatakan 'setiap orang
mempunyai hak untuk bebas berfikir, suara hati dan agama.
Ini termasuk
kebebasan menukar agama....(artikel 18)'. Ini bermaksud status sebagai seorang Muslim bukan ditentukan oleh Tuhan tetapi ditentukan oleh manusia. Berdasarkan norma antarabangsa,Islamtidak berhak menghalang penganutnya keluar daripada Islam kerana itu dibenarkan oleh norma antarabangsa.

5. IFC berhak menentukan status agama seseorang.

Seseorang yang ingin murtad boleh mengemukakan permohonannya kepada
IFC. Permohonannya akan ditentukan oleh ahli-ahli
IFC yang diantaranya adalah bukan Islam. Ini adalah campurtangan yang amat nyata dalam hal ehwal agama Islam. Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara tidak berhak menolak permohonan seseorang untuk menukar nama daripada nama Islam kepada bukan Islam dengan alasan suatu percubaan untuk murtad. Jika permohonan ditolak ini menjejaskan keharmonian dan kebebasan beragama. Perkara ini terkandung di dalam seksyen 19(3) draf undang-undang IFC.

7. Apakah sikap kita?
Sebagai seorang muslim dan ISLAM, kita seharusnya menentang sekeras-kerasnya penubuhan IFC.Penubuhannya bukan sekadar perlu ditangguhkan, tetapi jangan sama sekali dibenarkan. Semua saluran perlu
digunakan untuk menghalang penubuhan IFC.Jika anda mencintai Islam, anda sepatutnya
menyebarkan risalah ini.

**Fikirkan kalau agenda ini berjaya dilaksanakan di Malaysia. Will you just sit there and let it happen atau adakah kita akan bangun untuk menolaknya? Islam tidak pernah mengongkong masyarakat selain dari yang memeluk Islam dari mengamalkan ajaran yang mereka anuti selagi mereka menerima dan menghormati Islam.Bahkan Allah telah menegaskan bahawa tiada paksaan di dalam Islam,kerana kebenaran itu berdiri dan telah dinyatakan dengan jelasnya olehNya - Surah Al Baqarah ayat 256.Tidakkah kita sedih melihat ahli keluarga atau teman-teman kita terpesong hanya kerana terlalu ghairah mengejar keredhaan dunia sedangkan hidup kita masih belum bermula?

12:22 AM

Because you’re holding up my world,
So I need you
Your imitation of my walk
And the perfect way you talk
It’s just a couple of the million
Things that I love about you
So I need you
So I need you
So I need you
So I need you
I’m on my own
I’m on my own
I’m on my own
Oh no I can’t let you go

what makes people change? and how this changes really affect our personality? i keep wondering do myself really change and if i do, do it is good or is it bad? i never realised wut changes did i bring to myself and never knew whether this is the changed that i want....how do i know...? do being in my comfort zone means that i didn't want changes? or is it just because i'm afraid to accept it that i feel it is too big for me to handle....So I need You.....


The Bottom Line
It's all about the big-screen TV -- in your head, that is. What's playing today?

In Detail
One more day of hiding out from the world, and you'll be back in the mood for your usual gig -- putting even the most accomplished social butterfly to shame. In the meantime, don't allow yourself to be dragged out into the spotlight if you're not ready to go. Rest, relax and regroup. If anyone deserves some time alone to get those batteries recharged, it's you -- and the audience will wait for your next performance.

11:43 PM

:it's week 11!:
seem time really flies faster that DHL now...haven't write in here for a while...just busy with the assignments and daily stuff...pretty hectic now --life and my schedule...but somehow i learned a lot today....i learned as i see and i realised that i do need to think about it carefully as i'm worried about myself...too much to worry about...here and thereafter..crazy thinking but i dun't want to be another person who just talk out loud but never did wut i say...it feels bad.feel a lil' bit down for last couple of weeks...seem i'm not really good in handling pressure...thanx God for the rain..it's really washed my blue~..i feel like jumping everytime i see the rain drops, it's soo fun like seeing diamonds fall onto the ground..also felt happy that i did won something from MAP~..eventhough i'm not going but i feel happy~..then when for a sonification survey on anaesthaetic patient this morning....thought it's just required me to listen and identify one sound but it's more than that...got heart rate,respiration rate,tidal volume,oxygen and carbon dioxide to take care about,and it all sounds different....fun though cos it makes me realise that most of the time our heart beat really normal(about 60-79), the next it may be very high and who knows then it will slow down that u cannot hear anything at all..i feel so touched when i heard the heart beat,forgot that it's actually a simulation that i'm so afraid when it's start to slow down and finally stop...i felt like my heart beat is stopping that it makes me realised that my time is too little that my heart beat can changed when ever He wants to...high,low,steady or fluctuate,who knows?....a bunch of thanx to people around me that make me laugh and smile and grinned..i need those things in my life..and poor my tomatoes and chillies, it's all naked now --> like Peishan's said..but hopefully it will grow again and more healthy...ha!just about to prove it to my mum, that i can grow plant.....

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coriander that leen gave to me..still figure out wut to put into~
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coriander again~
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can u see the fruits?
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my healthy looking chillies b4 the hail attack it~
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my tall tomatoes~ love the smells....

1:15 AM

make it go away,pleazzeee!
My mental stability reaches its bitter end
As I step to the edge
Of a shadow of a doubt
With my conscience beating
Like the pulse of a drum
that hammers on and on
As I reach the break of day
As the sun beats down
On the halfway house
Has my conscience beating
The sound in my ear
The will to persevere
As I reach the break of day

When you've lost all hope
And excuses
And the cheapskates and the losers
Nothing's left to cling on to
You gotta hold on...
Hold on to yourself

A cry of hope, a plea for peace
And my conscience beating
It's not what I want
For it's all that I need

To reach the break of day
So I run to the edge
Beyond the shadow of a doubt
With my conscience bleeding
Here lies the truth
The lost treasures of my youth
As i hold to the break of day

*aching for gardens beneath which rivers flow, and to beautiful mansions in gardens of eternity....*

11:08 AM

:make most of it~:
yeay!i'm satisfied with myself today for finally got to finish my use case for the SRS....but my software requirements "essay" is very bad and i still need some more polishing on it...*will bug Peishan later..huhuhuhuhuhu...woke up very early today..i mean, beside the fact that i have to perform my morning prayer,then after that i keep myself doing other things instead of continue sleeping.....i'm proud of myself..hahaaaaa~later, try again connecting to tv streaming and i manage to watched a bit of morning show on tv1 and tv2....wonder why tv3 didn't make streaming available?later on making effort to change the skin in shortest period that i can as still got bunch of work to do.....talking about work...i have to go first..:)

9:58 PM

:Ketidakwarasan padaku:
waktuku tersisa
Untuk selalu di sisi,
menjaga hatimu
kan slalu mencoba,
Berikan yang terbaik
Untuk kau miliki
Tapi maafkan aku
Waktuku hanya sesaat...

Aku tak bisa memiliki
Menjaga cintamu
Walau sesungguhnya hatiku
mencintaimu, memilikimu
Aku tak ingin kau
Mencintai aku...
Hapuslah air
matamu, dan
Lupakan aku...

Di batas asaku
Hanya ingin kau bahagia
Jalani hidupmu

Aku..kan slalu mencoba,
Berikan yang terbaik
Untuk kau miliki
Tapi maafkan aku
Waktuku hanya sesaat

sori just got that giblog yang melampau-lampau..can't resist the temption of the broadband....nak update aja keje dier....just happen to bump on this song which keep resound in my mind.....dedicate it to my beloved abah yang bakal menyambut birthdaynyer sebulan setengah dari sekarang(hehehehee,taknak jadik cam kes naji,oppss..sori ya!)~...nolaaa,just want to dedicate sumthing to him as i know that i never dedicate anything "poyo" to him....it's always part of him to see us fly and get a chance to continue our study overseas....guess, He'd answered one of ur most top prayers.....thanks very much....he always thought me one thing,wut u get, u always need to give back....tak semua milik kita adalah kepunyaan kita....our time here is very short that he knows somehow he has to let me go and contribute back to others...but that thought of him and all the faith is still with me..."Kalau abah boleh sampai takat ni, you can get sumthing much more than me"~...yezza, i will remember that...
sambung skit for Aiza....cacing memang ada hidung!yeay, me correct again!hehheeh,sori bukan obsess just for fun~check about it here
btw, this story is dedicated to you...About two friends;a Worm and a Bumble Bee....

Bumble Bee And Worm
There was a very close friendship between a bumble bee and a worm. Once Bee said to Worm, ''Why do you live in muck and faeces? Come to my garden. There are roses and agaves and jasmines. You'll be thrilled by their fragnance.'' Worm gave it serious thought, ''I'll go and visit his garden, but what if there's nothing to eat there? I may starve to death.'' As a precaution he rolled up two small balls of dirt and faeces and plugged them into his nostrils. Bumble Bee, unaware of this, asked him to climb onto his back. Off they flew.

In the garden the air was sweet with fragrance. The bee placed the worm on top of a rose and asked, ''Well, what do you think of the fragrance?'' ''Nothing special. I still smell the same old odour,'' the worm retorted, not impressed at all. Bee was confused, ''Why does my friend fail to enjoy the fragrance?'' he asked himself. Then he took a closer look at the worm and found two tiny balls of faeces fitted up his nostrils.

He made a plan for removing them. Taking the worm to a pool of water, he offered him the chance to swim. They both dived into the water. Bee then climbed upon the worm's back and pushed his head underwater. Water rushed into the worm's nose and mouth and made him burst out with violent sneezing. This procedure forced out the mess that was blocking Worm's nose. Quickly picking up the worm the bee returned to the rose, ''Ah... Ah... what a scent! It's fabulous... The scent of rose is wonderful.''

The worm praised the flowers no end. ''The fragrance was always here, but it was you who chose not to enjoy it. You had stuffed your nose with muck and excreta.'' Bee scolded his friend and then took him to savour the scents of other flowers in the garden.

lesson of the story?:don't ask me, try to figure it out...but for me, it tells that a good friend will always strive to make his/her friend happy and they're not worry or scare to share the most precious things belong to them with their friends.....Ithar~~

12:33 PM

:i want this~:
guess mp3 player is kinda "in" nowadays..no more walkman and discman....been browsing around the net, try to find one other than iPod mini.....guess Creative Zen Micro really catch my eyes....heheeheeh,just wanna try to break that "belilah barang Amerika" thingy some more.....so the closest that i get is this one....originally from Singapore and distributed world wide....check it:

Creative (Nasdaq: CREAF) is the worldwide leader in digital entertainment products for the personal computer and the Internet. Creative was founded in Singapore in July 1, 1981, with the vision that multimedia would revolutionize the way people interact with their PCs.

Famous for its Sound Blaster and for launching the multimedia revolution, Creative is now driving digital entertainment on the PC platform with products like its highly acclaimed NOMAD Jukebox. The company's innovative hardware, proprietary technology, applications and services leverage the Internet, enabling consumers to experience high-quality digital entertainment -- anytime, anywhere.
Over time, Creative has built upon the popularity and demand of its PC audio success to include graphics, DVD, computer telephony integration (CTI), communications, and videoconferencing. In doing so, Creative has partnered some of the industry's top technology companies and developers worldwide. Today, Creative expands the power of the personal computer with Personal Digital Entertainment (PDE) Internet solutions, comprising desktop products, Internet appliances and Internet applications and services.

Leveraging in-house technology, partnerships and value-added investments, Creative markets its solutions to consumers and system integrators, with worldwide distribution through traditional marketing channels, OEMs and the Internet. Creative's mission is to expand upon its leadership role in PDE, utilizing innovative technology, broadband and leading-edge designs for technically progressive consumers and entertainment enthusiasts.

Creative was listed on the US Nasdaq stock exchange in the summer of 1992, making Creative the first true-blue Singapore company to list on Nasdaq.
In June 1994, Creative Technology gained a listing on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Singapore.

**picture is courtesy of Wal-Mart.to see more go to flash demo

3:52 PM

:i miss this place!:

been playing around with the globe in the MSN website....i found it very fun as the globe spin...how i miss Kertih soo much! just wanna share the location map of Kertih with everybody..it's totally amazing how technology can go this detail.....i wish it can zoom more until Kg Baru but for the time being this seem alrite!!Hidup Ganu kite~

5:34 PM

:Happy Mother's Day~:
dedicated my whole love to the one and only mum that i ever have....*wink* i'll always be ur little gurl in white..(hehehe after Azean and Ain!)...miss all that good talk and ur nag!
Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah -Gigi

Dengan menyebut nama Allah
Jalani hidupmu
Yakinkan niatmu
Jangan pernah ragu

Dengan menyebut nama Allah
Bulatkan tekadmu
Menempuh nasibmu
Kemanapun menuju

Serahkanlah hidup dan matimu
Serahkanlah pada Allah semata
Serahkanlah duka gembiramu
Agar damai senantiasa hidupmu

**thanx for always be proud of me, for believe in me and for make me to be who i am now....for giving me a chance to lead my life into a better way now and then...i thanked u for ever single tears that u had because of me...and thank you for every laughter that u bring in my life......ur soldier is still in the battlefield..~

2:55 AM

reality escapes~

[in the morning i am]:
--> mostly sleeping except on uni day~

[all i need is]:
--> money..so that i can go back to malaysia~

[love is]:
-->something that is hard to reach if there's no pure intention to have it~

[if i could see one person right now]:
--> my mom...mama..ibu..ummi....wut ever u call it~

[im afraid of]:
--> attention~

[i dream about]:
--> lying on the ice whilst the snow is falling...~

[been in love]:
--> wut's love?~

[cried when someone died]:
--> yep~

[drank alcohol]:
--> tak baik tau~ tak mo tongkat langit!

T H I S O R T H A T . .
[coke or pepsi]:

[flowers or candy]:

[scruff or clean shaven]:

[tall girl or short]:
-->not that tall....

W I T H T H E O P P O S I T E S E X . . . . .
[what do u notice first?]:
-->eyes and ears....wise man listen to people and never lie~

W H A T / W H O
[makes u laugh the most?]:
--> potret mistik~so horror yet so not logic~

[makes you smile]:
-->i'm smiling a lot~

[gives u a funny feeling]:
-->msn messenger~why away???

[has a crush on you]:
-->lemon crush~

[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]:
-->bapak gue...~

D O Y O U E V E R . .
[sit on the internet all day waiting for
someone special to be OL]:
-> i wish i have but me not that that freak~

[save ym/aim conversations]:
--> again,i'm not a freak~maybe but only for important infos...

[fallen for ur best friend]:
-->hard to say?r we really that best friend?

[busted someone] :
--> yeah!!

[u talked to]:
-->everybody in Unit 17~


[u instant messaged]:
-->my group mate~

[u laughed with]:
-->huda,dila,fazz,salwa,leen,and aiza

[ called u ] :

[color ur hair]:
-->black is perfectly perfect for me....

[ever booted off in the chatroom]:

[could u live without the computer?]:
--> yeah....never care too much about tech anyway~

[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]:

W H A T I S / A R E
[what's your favorite food?]:
-->nasi air,putu mayam~

[what's ur favorite fruit?]:

[like watching sunrises or sunset]:
--> sunrise!

[what hurts the most?]:
-->away from love ones~

[trust others way too easily?]:
--> depends~ but not easily...

-->to be genius~

-->i'll get wut i wish for...~


-->fazz n huda's discussing their assignment and salwa's typing on the keyboard..

[how do u know its love?]:
-->when he's the only one i see..

N A M E S :
--> tekalaH.....lemon crush...

[love] :

--> err...hard to say~

-->no one...~

-->enemy of the state~

[wishing to like you]:

[want to meet]:
-->Ain Najwa Mohd Sukri..bet u''re taller than u are before~

[want to be with everytime]:
-->my family~

[want to hug]:
-->a hugable Ain Najwa....

11:05 PM


Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray (I would pray)
I could breakaway

just another restless day,week and life of mine....got so much to chase whilst this life is anxious to try...but;

I will spread my wings
And I will learn how to fly
Though it is not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won’t forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

nutting to tell...penat sey~

9:48 PM

revenge of the nerds!
we have our Trivia Night today..not really nite as it's start at about 4.30pm...fun desune!!love it cos it's been a long time that i didn't really used my otak berkarat to think and try to solve math question tahap UPSR...i found it hard cos it's in English..hahaahhahah,now bro, i know how it feel learning maths in English....lambat sey nak pick up....having so much fun with the questions asked....rasa cam back to school again but this time it's only for the nerds....funny cause we all try to be as geek as we can through the whole clothing style,but most of us ended look like a scientist(ha! lab coat and goggle)...comel jer...they really remind me of those kakak2 lab yang handle experiment for us in our lab~...bilik kebuk wasap!some more, those IQ test questions really is not as easy as it was 8 years ago....and tahap kebisingan that i always miss...i miss my 5 Creative...~klass paling poyo, kaki dajal but never fail to ampu cikgu-cikgi....miss those bahas2 kosong korang ngan Puan Saodah everytime we got our science marks....and never in school record Radin got -5 for his Accounting paper....tulaaa derhaka lagi ngan Puan Nora....but i guess those days dah berlalu.....but it's fun to be part of it as it's wut make us today...and be there again, sometimes is fun cos i always think; wut if i didn't do this?but overall....nerds got life wut? hahahaahahahah....
**view pix @Ili'sbtw, it was nice to be in the same team with u..tak menang pon takpe janji gaya kiter nerd abesss~and dilla and hafiz,thanx!to others korang memang best....Aiza,soklan spot kuar gak ekk??lain kali patutnyer kita spot soklan2 bebanyak......:)