dearest dear,
it's been a while...dah lama rasanya tak merapu kat sini...heheheheh, i'm not that rajin plus dun't really have anything yg bagus2 untuk ditulis...but lately *sebab all my dearest fwendd dah balik* i miss u all so much!!! i noe i still tak naik2 KL lagi since diorang semua dah ada kat Malaysia...maaf sebab tak dapat2 juga nak tunaikan that one wish of mine and others....been belek2 ing my old diary when i was in OZ...funny cos i've soo much khazanah inc. a memo from huda n salwa...
*salwa tulih: rabbit kalau nak gi makan ajak aku...huda tulih: rabbit jom kite membesar sama2...kak yanti tulih: rabbit, kak yanti tinggalkan "epul", which is suppose to b epal..makan tau!* also tix LOTR2 that i watched n couldn't recalled when i did really watched it....but then it was in 2003... anyway, i just want to let my fwendd noe, how grateful i am to have you's different even when i spent time with my old one can really be that special other than you all....salwa, fazz, huda, aishah, leen, mas, ili, mynn, najwa, sarah ,denise,aiza,dila mai, shifa n da list goes on...thanx for the friendship n kindness that u give...